Saturday, January 12, 2013

Open house.

It feels so strange to return to a place so familiar and yet end up feeling like you don't belong there anymore. It's like returning to your house, your room, with everything still there as you've left it; it's home. And then you look around and realise that the family living in it isn't yours, but that of someone else's.

That's how I felt at open house just now. It was still MJ, it looked the same, but the people there were not, and I realised that I had now become an outsider to a place I called home. The people there could not relate to me, they did not experience what I had, and it is a solemn if disturbing thought to realise that all the tears shed and fun I'd had there were just a passing in a cycle of students to enter and exit. Soon the current batch will graduate, they will return, and I will bet that at least a few would then feel as I do now: A little lonely, with nowhere to 'belong', a little insignificant, a little irrelevant.

I am very proud of our juniors. They keep the spirit up. Though I am not close to the Atlas mass dance team, they were welcoming and friendly, and they remembered and appreciated the AHC's contributions, which made me feel quite warm inside. But my time there is up, and it's time to let the juniors take the reins as the seniors of the school. Besides, you can't see where you're going if you keep your sight locked at what's behind you. I miss MJ more than I did Temasek, but then again I thought I'd never feel at home again out of Temasek, heh.

The rest of the day was well spent, perfectly summed up with a quote from shurui.
"@shurui really glad to have met the people i've missed today :)"

 I guess it's the people that made it home to me, now that I think about it.

Here is a haiku to end the post because haikus are lovely.

Went to open house
I missed the place, so much fun
Then I ate supper

Maybe I'm spiteful cause it's worth the spite, or maybe it's just jealousy.

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